Mieczyslaw Weinberg
M. Anderson: Classical Net, http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/acc/vainberg.php
L. D. Nikitina: Moisey Samuilovich Weinberg, Grove Music Online, 2009
R. Reilly: ‘Light in the Dark: The Music of Mieczyslaw Vainberg’ Catholic Information Center on Internet, Crisis. (February, 2000) http://www.music-weinberg.net/biography1.html
P. Skans: CD booklets to the 17 issues by Olympia (nla) and Chandos, issued under ‘Vainberg’ by Olympia and ‘Weinberg’ on Chandos (Symphony No. 5 / Sinfonietta No. 1, CHAN 10128; Symphony No. 4 / Rhapsody on Moldavian Themes / Sinfonietta, No. 2 CHAN 10237; Weinberg: Concertos, CHSA 5064)
P. Skans: ‘Per Skans on Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s (Moishei Vainberg’s) name’ http://www.music-weinberg.net/
Russian / Soviet Sources
A. Nikolayev: 'О творчестве М. Вайнберга' ['O tvorchestve M. Vaynberga' Eng. About Weinberg's work], SovM (1960), no.1, pp.4047
Yu. Korev: 'По первым впечатлениям' ['Po pervïm vpechatleniyam' Eng. By my first impressions], SovM (1960), no.5, pp.1217
M. Roytershteyn: 'Симфонии с монологами' ['Simfonii s monologami' Eng.Symphonies with monologues], SovM (1969), no.3, pp.268
L. Nikitina: Симфонии М. Вайнберга [Symfonii M. Vaynberga. Eng. Weinberg’s Symphonies] (Moscow, 1972)
K. Savka: 'Герой Дюма на оперной сцене' ['Geroi Dyuma na opernoy stsene' Eng. Dumas's heroes on the operatic stage], Muzïkal'naya zhizn' (1975), no.6, pp.56
L. Faykina: 'Опера о войне' ['Opera o voyne' Eng. An opera about the war], SovM (1975), no.10, pp.315
M. Weinberg: 'Честность, правдивость, полная отдача' ['Chestnost', pravdivost', polnaya otdacha' Eng. Clarity and sincerity given away fully], SovM (1988), no.9, pp.236
Recordings: http://claudet.club.fr/Vainberg/index.html
List of works: http://home.wanadoo.nl/ovar/vainberg.htm
Dedicated Site by Art Feldman with sound samples of Weinberg’s music: http://www.mweinberg.info/
PeerMusic publications: http://www.peermusicclassical.com/composer/composerdetail.cfm?detail=weinberg