
Franz Schreker


Blackburn, Robert. 1978. Franz Schreker, 1878–1934. The Musical Times 119 (1621):224–228.

———. 1990. [Untitled]. Music & Letters 71 (1):128–131.

Franklin, Peter. 1982. Style, Structure and Taste: Three Aspects of the Problem of Franz Schreker. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 109:134–146.

———. 1989. Audiences, Critics and the Depurification of Music: Reflections on a 1920s Controversy. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 114 (1):80–91.

———. 1989. Schreker and the Problem of Opera. The Musical Times 130 (1762):730–731.

———. 1991. Distant Sounds – Fallen Music: “Der ferne Klang” as ‘Woman's Opera’? Cambridge Opera Journal 3 (2):159–172.

———. 1994. An Open and Shut Case. The Musical Times 135 (1819):564–565.

Hailey, Christopher. Franz Schreker. In Grove music online [electronic resource] Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press

———. 1993. Franz Schreker, 1878–1934 : a cultural biography, Music in the twentieth century. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.

———. 2002. Franz Schreker and the Pluralities of Modernism. Tempo (219):2–7.

Heinsheimer, Hans W. 1978. Schreker Centennial. The Musical Quarterly 64 (2):244–249.

Puffett, Derrick. 1979. The Beginning of New Music? The Musical Times 120 (1636):487–488.

———. 1983. Schreker Restored. The Musical Times 124 (1688):626–627.